September 2021 Newsletter
Thank you all for an amazing August. Our trip to Atlanta couldn't have gone better. We thank everyone who was involved, from praying to...
August 2021 Newsletter
What an amazing July! Thank you to everyone who helped and participated in Treasured VBS. What a successful week it was, with our highest...

July 2021 Newsletter
June went by so quickly and July is already in full swing! But we were able to enjoy so much fun together. Thank you for all those who...
June 2021 Newsletter
What a fast paced month May was, I can't believe how quickly it went. Thank you to those who contributed to the 5th Sunday Love Offering...
May 2021
What a fantastic and fast April! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter filled with love and family. We want to thank Kids' Club for...

April Newsletter
March seemed to come and go without warning, but not without seeing some amazing things from God. We watched as God prepared JoEllen for...

March 2021
Marvelous March everyone! We are so excited to hear how God worked in your lives last month, please share your God sightings with us....

February 2021 Newsletter
We hope that your January was as blessed as ours. Sunday night groups have been going well as we get deeper into our "help meet" studies....

Happy New Year - January 2021
Happy New Year to everyone. We know that 2020 was a challenging year to get through, but we want to applaud you all for hanging onto God...

December Newsletter
November came and went in a flash, but we saw God working in so many ways. We are so grateful for each of you and thankful for you. Even...