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April Newsletter

March seemed to come and go without warning, but not without seeing some amazing things from God. We watched as God prepared JoEllen for her surgery, not only did we watch as He provided every dollar needed, JoEllen also made it through her surgery wonderfully and is healing well. We also saw as God worked things out quickly for Robin to have surgery, please keep praying for her recovery and healing. We have watched and stood by the Fancher family as God's endurance kept them going while Grandma Rayena battled with cancer and passed away, and we celebrate with them as she dances in Heaven with Jesus. We have been blessed to watch and listen to the kids in Kids' Club as they share their weekly "God Sightings" and as we watch their relationship with God flourish.

As mentioned, Grandma Rayena passed away early in the morning on March 30th. She did not want a funeral or service, but we were able to talk her into letting us hold a special potluck in her honor. Please join the Fancher family here at the church Sunday, April 25th at 4pm with your favorite "grandma" inspired dish to share and fellowship over. She left a few words with Kimbre to share with the congregation:

Church Family,

I have been blessed to be your extra grandma and friend. I have cherished the relationships that I have had with you all through the years. It has truly been my honor to be a part of this family. Thank you for loving me and my family. Please continue to love them after I am gone...and keep them in line.

Love you all,


Holy Week started March 28th with Palm Sunday and takes us through to Easter morning on April 4th. We hope that you have taken this week to remember the importance of the journey Jesus took for us. Join us Easter morning for worship, communion, a message, and fellowship.

Here's what happening this month:


Sunday School at 10:00 am

Worship at 11:15 am

Men's and Women's Class at 7:00 pm


Ladies Bible Study at 9:30 am

Worship Practice at 7:00pm


Kids' Club at 6:00pm

Easter Sunday, April 4th

Potluck Sunday, April 11th

Last Kids' Club Thursday, April 29th

We want to wish these wonderful people a Happy Birthday:

Brenda M. - 4/2

Laurel - 4/17

Wayne - 4/24

Brenda C. - 4/27

Pastor Dallas - 4/28

Lisa 4/29

And a Happy Anniversary to these great couples:

George and Diane - 4/18

Stan and Martha - 4/25

Thank you for being the hands and feet of the Church, continue to love those like Jesus loves you.

"A new command I give you: Love on another. As I have loved you, so you must love on another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love on another." John 13:34-35


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Everybody's favorite little country church 


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