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July 2022 Newsletter

Wow, what a June! Thank you to everyone who helped make VBS absolutely MONUMENTAL this year. We had an average of 36 kids throughout the week and 20 helpers. Together they learned about God's love for them, His salvation plan, and that He will never leave them. We got to watch as they shared how they experienced God each day and as they formed amazing friendships and connections. On top of all that, the VBS kids raised nearly $1,020 to help the school children on the Reservations. As always, the church will match their offering for a grand total of $2,040! That is over 2,000 children that will be receiving school supplies for this fall. Now, that's what I call a God sighting!

Speaking of donating to wonderful people, July is a 5th Sunday Love Offering month. This month's love offering will go to The Special Olympics in memory of Dominic Pena who passed away last year. Some of you may not remember Dom, but he was an amazing young man with a love for God and swimming. Please be praying on how God would like to use you in this ministry.

This month we will be getting things ready for our mission trip to Atlanta, ID the first week of August. Please be praying for those who are on the planning committee, for those who are going, and for the people of Atlanta.

Young ladies of the church and community are invited to join Amy and Kimbre as they go through "Every Young Woman's Battle" on Monday nights at 7pm starting July 11th. This book helps you to learn to guard your heart, mind, and body in the sex-saturated world we live in.

We hope that you find opportunities to be in your Bible and among like minded people, here's what's going on at the church this month:


Sunday School at 10am (no class on 7/10)

Worship and Service at 11:15am

Potluck on 7/10 after service


"Every Young Woman's Battle" - Starting July 11th


Music Practice at 7pm

Happy birthday to these amazing and wonderful people, may God bless your day:

Bobbie: 7/15

Jedi: 7/14

Happy Anniversary to these awesome couples, may God continue to fortify and bless your marriage:

Henry & Sara - 7/7

Jason & Marydith - 7/7

Thank you each for choosing to have a relationship with God, for blessing us with your friendships, and working out your faith. You are the hands and feet of God. Be blessed this month.

1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.


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Sand Hollow Baptist Church
Everybody's favorite little country church 

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