May 2020 Newsletter

Good May to you all. We survived March and April's quarantine, for those still under quarantine, we miss you and are continuing to pray you through.

We are excited to be able to come together for Worship Service on May 3rd at 10am. Yes, that's right, 10am.
We will have chairs set up in "family pods" to give us with some distance during worship. If you would like to wear a mask, feel free. We encourage you to wash your hands often. If you want to wear gloves, we would like to remind you to change them often.
Until August we will only be holding Worship Service. This means that we will not be having Sunday School, Children's Church/Discipleship, or Mid-week Studies.
Thank you to those who donated to Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. We will be sending a check for $200.
May is another 5th Sunday month. Our love offering this month will go to the Boise Rescue Mission. Through the pandemic more people have been turning to the Rescue Mission than before, we would like to partner with them earlier in the year than normal due to this.
With all this talk of money, we would like to take a moment to thank you all for being good stewards of your money through this time. Your tithes and offerings have not skipped a beat through this time and our normal budget has not been affected.
We want to thank all of our Moms and Spiritual Moms for the investments you have made over generations. May 10th is Mother's Day and we just want you to know how special you each are.
We want to wish some special people a Happy Birthday:
Owen C - 5/5
Brittany - 5/9
Shiann - 5/9
Amy - 5/10
Christy - 5/11
Ryley - 5/14
Oliver - 5/19
Adrian - 5/20
Karen - 5/26
Diane - 5/27
Thank you for being wonderful people of God. Continue to shine the light of Jesus through your actions of love.