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June 2022 Newsletter

May has come and gone, but not without some God sightings. We got to celebrate two young women as they graduated from high school. We honored our moms and spiritual mothers. And we got to thank our teachers for taking time to be difference makers.

Here are some ways that you can be the hands and feet of the Church this month:

Be in prayer for New Plymouth First Baptist. As most of you know, their church building was lost to a fire last month, but God is moving in big ways in New Plymouth, ID. We will keep you up to date with work days and other ways we can be a blessing to them.

The Boise Rescue Mission is still in need of supplies as the summer heat starts to rise. Your gifts can be brought directly to the church or you can take them to the BRM yourself.

If you have not gotten updated directory information to Kimbre, please do so soon. Also, if you were not able to get your family's photo taken with Kaitlyn, please touch base with Kimbre to get a photo taken or where you can send a photo of your choice.

We are gearing up for a MONUMENTAL time at VBS discovering all of God's greatness. VBS will be held here at the church from 6pm-8pm June 20th thru June 24th. Kids of all ages are invited to join us as we help them develop a richer relationship with God. Register online to save time or at the door. If you would like to help, it's not too late! Touch base with JoEllen or Kimbre to see how you can help.

Let's say "Happy Birthday" to these wonderful people:

Henry 6/16

Johnathan 6/25

Grace 6/29

Alex 6/29

Clayton 6/29

We pray that Pastor and Miss Jo have a most excellent anniversary on the 28th!

Don't miss a chance to connect with us throughout the week:


  • Sunday School at 10am

  • Worship Service at 11:15am

  • Father's Day June 19th

  • Potluck June 19th after service


  • Worship Practice at 7pm


  • June 9th VBS Meeting

Monumental VBS:

  • June 20-24th at 6pm

There is no doubt that God is on the move, we would love to hear how you are seeing God work in your life, your prayer requests and praises. Continue to seek Him, to spend time with Him, and to serve Him.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


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Everybody's favorite little country church 


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