Jesus loves you and so do we
Pastor's Sunday Sermon
August 29, 2021
Power of prayer
Abraham's servant went to Abraham's home land with ten camels loaded with goods. He set up shop at the well and prayed that the right woman would offer to give him water when asked and also to offer to water the camels as well.
God always shows up to answer prayer. It may not be the answer we want, but He always shows up! That is why it is so important to have a healthy prayer life.
We have to learn to pray expecting God to show up. When we learn to have bold, confident and consistent prayer, we see confirmation.
Before the servant even finished his prayer, Rebekah shows up and meets all the criteria.
She comes as confirmation to the servant's prayer. Sometimes we can miss the confirmation of our prayer, when we get distracted by all the other noise of the world around us.
Make sure to keep your eyes open for confirmation for your prayers. We do have to be prepared for the Lord's answer to be wait, or no. The Lord answers this way usually because He has something better in store for us then we think about.
Take all things before the Lord. We need to pray with expectations, look for, and expect confirmations.
Bible Passages
Genesis 24:10-21
The servant took ten of his master’s camels, and with all kinds of his master’s goods in hand, he went to Aram-naharaim, to Nahor’s town. 11 At evening, the time when women went out to draw water, he made the camels kneel beside a well outside the town.
12 “Lord, God of my master Abraham,” he prayed, “make this happen for me today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. 13 I am standing here at the spring where the daughters of the men of the town are coming out to draw water. 14 Let the girl to whom I say, ‘Please lower your water jug so that I may drink,’ and who responds, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels also’—let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”
15 Before he had finished speaking, there was Rebekah—daughter of Bethuel son of Milcah, the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor—coming with a jug on her shoulder. 16 Now the girl was very beautiful, a virgin—no man had been intimate with her. She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up. 17 Then the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me have a little water from your jug.”
18 She replied, “Drink, my lord.” She quickly lowered her jug to her hand and gave him a drink. 19 When she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I’ll also draw water for your camels until they have had enough to drink.”[a] 20 She quickly emptied her jug into the trough and hurried to the well again to draw water. She drew water for all his camels 21 while the man silently watched her to see whether or not the Lord had made his journey a success.
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